Bill Takas (Ten Wheel Drive, Bob Dorough)


Little is known to Know Your Bass Player regarding the career of Bill Takas – other than he was/is an exemplary player with credits that span a long association with Bob Dorough with whom he waxed several sides, along with his membership in Ten Wheel Drive, and record dates with LaBelle, Buzzy Linhart, Judy Collins, and Doc Severinson, to cite a few.


A fluid player with a fat tone – if you know about Bill Takas, let us know!


Bill Takas Sound & Vision…


Ten Wheel Drive:




“Ain’t Gonna Happen”  


Bob Dorough & Bill Takas:


“Beginning to See the Light”


“Better Than Anything”


Buzzy Linhart:


“Cheat Cheat Lied” / “Hit The Road Jack”


“Time to Live is Now”


“Because the Love is Still Growing”


Doc Severinson “In the Court of the Crimson King”


LaBelle “Morning Much Better”


Donnie Nossov (John Waite, Pat Benatar, Tom Verlaine, Cher, Lita Ford)


Missing You.” “We Belong” “Kiss Me Deadly.” “Always.” Urban Desire.


‘Twas a time when rock music spoke to a generation or two or three. Of all the players who anchored the 1980s MTV / rock radio golden era, among the most prolific was a modest cat from Queens County New York City. You’ve heard him (Pat Benatar, John Waite, Tom Verlaine, Alannah Myles, Lita Ford and Cher -to cite a few) but you don’t know him – until now. Dig this series of Skype interviews with bassist Donnie Nossov. Armed with a ’62 Fender Precision and deep knowledge of rock, pop, rhythm & blues, soul, and permutations thereof – Donnie’s passages went platinum – behold the silver and gold on his den wall behind him!


Tom Semioli Writer / Interviewer

James Spina / Interviewer

Mark Polott / Editor

Mark Preston / Executive Producer


Donnie Nossov Sound & Vision…. 


Pat Benatar “We Belong”


Lita Ford “Kiss Me Deadly”


John Waite “Missing You”


Tom Verlaine “Always”


Genya Ravan “Aye Co’lorado” from Urban Desire (1978):


The End Imaginary Life as discussed in No Depression in 2018:

Donnie Nossov Know Your Bass Player On Skype…