More than a feeling? It was one of those rare times in life when you hear a record for the first time and your jaw drops! How did they do that?
In the summer of ’76, the multi-layered sonic resonance of Tom Scholz’s guitar blaring from FM radios begat an American rock ‘n’ roll revolution. Though reviled by snobbish rock journos – players dug the production, song-craft, and musicianship. As did the public which pushed Boston’s debut slab to 17 x Platinum.
On their watershed debut, mastermind Tom Scholz doubled on bass, save for two tracks waxed by Fran Sheehan. With passages that exuded harmonic finesse by way of upper register motifs, and soulful rhythms among the barrage of harmonies and studio enhanced soundscapes, the Scholz / Sheehan bass duopoly was a force to be reckoned with.
Fran Sheehan Sound & Vision…
Fran’s major 10th motifs, glissandos “Let Me Take You Home Tonight”
Boston Live 1979, Giants Stadium, New Jersey