L.A. Guns waxed a gem of a slab entitled Vicious Circle which unfortunately vanished upon its 1994 release. A raucous mélange of metal, punk, psychedelic pop, and classic rock – including a simmering remake / remodel of Alvin Lee’s “I’d Love to Change the World,” the final foray of the classic line-up was their finest. Bassist Kelly Nickels takes a rare lead vocal on “Nothing Better to Do” as he anchors the band with strong pocket passages which ably supported guitar hero Traci Gunns. Essentially doomed to extinction by grunge, LAG could have been contenders had they tempered their over-the-top glam trappings.
A transplanted New Yorker whose career commenced the underground hard rock scene in a city that was decidedly unfriendly to the genre Kelly’s style draws from trad hard rock and punk – which was a perfect fit for Guns.
Among Nickel’s weapons of choice included Fender Precision, Gibson T-Bird, and Stingray MusicMan basses.
Kelly Nickels & LA Guns Vicious Circle
“I’d Love to Change the World” https://youtu.be/TSog8WmD6uQ
“Nothing Better To Do” https://youtu.be/-lsnTx_JASg
“Chasin’ the Dragon” https://youtu.be/pyyp83YeUic
The former William Perks followed by Ronald David Wood, Keith Richards, and Darryl Jones.
By Tom Semioli
“I’m not saying they don’t keep going, but they need Bill. Without him they’re a funk band. They’ll be the real Rolling Stones when they get Bill back.” Bob Dylan as told to NME 2009
Thank you, Bob.
Born in 1960, I was too young to catch the Rolling Stones the first time around (and around) in 1964 during what we Yanks refer to as “The British Invasion.” ‘Twas not until the Edward Heath / “Tricky Dick” Nixon year of 1973 when I grabbed a fresh, newly released Goats Head Soup at Sam Goody, in Long Island, New York for $3.98 (on sale) that I became a lifelong fan.
By then, to older followers, the Stones were past their peak. But to me, they certainly were not. Massive stars in the United States, their concert treks were instant sell-outs in my homeland. Their legacy loomed large. The Stones played tough during the Joni / James / CSN & Sometimes Y/ Jackson et al. singer-songwriter zeitgeist, the disco onslaught, the blue collar Springsteen outbreak, the Johnny Rotten punks and new wave raconteurs. Jagger & Co. navigated the hard rockers and metal bands with ease – all of which were competing for young hearts and minds and ducats.
Stones Alone: If the goal is to hold the title; you have to knock out the champ. TKO. Perhaps the Stones weren’t as “relevant” as they were in earlier times: yet they could not be relegated to the canvas, albeit as they were Sucking in the 70s amid Van Halen, Fleetwood Mac, Queen, Pink Floyd…
Bruised and battered, they were still the greatest “rock and roll band” in the world. They had the songs, the chops (especially with Mick Taylor), the swagger, and the requisite panache. Heck, the Stones invented the template of a rock and roll band. Those new kids on the block – Bruce, Patti, The Ramones, Joe Strummer and The Clash – all looked up to the Rolling Stones whether it was fashionable to admit it or not.
Product such as GHS, Only Rock and Roll, and Black & Blue complimented the Bowie, Sir Elton, Roxy, Mott the Hoople, Led Zeppelin, and Bruce & E Street records which my generation spun incessantly. The Rolling Stones on automatic pilot were still tops in the general sense. By way of their new stuff, I was inspired to rummage through their past darkly and catch up on their hallowed history. Key tracks from Sticky Fingers, Exile On Main Street, Let It Bleed, and Beggars Banquet were FM radio staples throughout the decade– and shaped my generation’s vision of the band. However their 1960s canon, to my motely was ancient history, and of little interest.
Later on, as I befriended older musicians who were Stoned from the beginning, I learned of the deep cultural importance that the band had on a generation of players. Watching the Ed Sullivan Show, T.A.M.I. Show, Dean Martin Show television appearances and Gimmie Shelter film via clunky VHS tapes, I quickly came to the realization that I too would have favored the Stones (and The Yardbirds, The Animals, Cream, and Jimi) over the Fab Four solely on the raw musicianship and attitude.
No artist can approach The Beatles (and George Martin and their incredible team of engineers) as recording artists, songwriters, and conceptualists. They were too god-like. But the Stones and their aforementioned peers were within striking distance – or so it seemed. Now I understood why they were the “greatest.”
As a bass player, of course I fixated on Bill Wyman. It took years for me to fully appreciate his playing. I discovered where Bill came from: the Willie Dixon of bass. It was not easy to decipher Wyman’s work on their 70s releases. Record pressings were thin (oil crisis anyone?) with poor resonance, and decent stereo equipment was out of my economic reach. Plus, we were buying 8-track and cassettes which were aurally dreadful. Boom boxes and car radios were not much better.
When I heard my friends’ older brothers’ thick vinyl London pressings from the 1960s, mostly in mono, Bill’s artistry shone. As Keef documented in Life – they became the Rolling Stones when the former RAF (rank unknown) William Perks joined the band. On my last trip to London in 2019, I made the pilgrimage to the site where Bill became a Stone. https://youtu.be/gPrzf8hmMOY
Bill Wyman anchored The Stones for thirty years, spanning 1962 to December 1992. Fans and historians divide the Stones career into three distinct eras based on the service of their three lead guitarists: 1962-68 as the Brian Jones years, 1969-74 as the Mick Taylor years, and 1975 to the present day as the Ron Wood years.
With Brian Jones, the Rolling Stones were artists.
With Mick Taylor, the Rolling Stones were rockers.
With Ronnie Wood, the Rolling Stones are entertainers.
The Jones and Taylor versions of the band are considered the glory years. Which version reigns supreme will always be up for debate. Regardless, Bill was there.
Bill Wyman did not try to be cool. Cool tried to be Bill Wyman! Wyman’s statuesque on-stage stature and stoic veneer defined the look of the rock electric bass player – a vocation which was still rather new at the time. Due to his small body frame and hands, Bill held the bass at a nearly vertical position so he could reach the maximum number of notes with efficiency, and often employed glissandos to jump registers. Please refer to one of the greatest rock bass passages ever waxed: “19th Nervous Breakdown.”
“19th Nervous Breakdown” Live TV appearance https://youtu.be/FoNSFFhyEi8
Wyman inadvertently “invented” the fretless bass by pulling those pesky metal strips out of the neck of his whittled down Framus. As such, Bill phrased akin to an upright player with a plectrum. His lines danced around the riffs rather than simply replicating them while forging harmonic variations in the manner of a jazz player. Look no farther than “(I Can’t Get No) Satisfaction” to hear Bill’s unmistakable harmonic / rhythmic impact on the Rolling Stones.
“(I Can’t Get No) Satisfaction” https://youtu.be/MSSxnv1_J2g
Albums including December’s Children, Now, 12 x 5, and Aftermath – regardless of which UK/US title you reference – along with various archival singles, b-sides, and outtakes collections, are master classes in rock bass. If you absorb Bill’s passages, you can apply them to any blues-based situation you find yourself in. And the last time I checked, blues is the foundation of rock and roll.
With drummer Charlie Watts, Wyman swung the small group Stones with a big band disposition. On up-tempo tracks, Bill avoided repetitive 8th note patterns as was the custom with “common” players, opting to vary the band’s rhythms with half notes, quarter notes, and whole notes. His note choices also had character. Bill would bring out the colors of a chord simply by emphasizing the 6th, 7th 9th notes which he would sustain. Bill’s savvy use of hammer-ons, slurs, and staccato phrasing is the stuff of elite players. You learn that from the jazz and blues cats. Not the rockers.
The faster the tempo, the more Bill put on the brakes – that’s why the Stones grooved like no other band during Wyman’s tenure. It’s an approach which never failed Bill … or me; I reference the Wyman method all the time!
Keith Cuts In: During Bill’s Stone age, his bandmate Keith Richards cut several bass tracks on their twenty-two (or so) studio albums. In her autobiography Marianne Faithful comments that Keith always had a bass in his hands and that poor Bill only played during concerts. Well, according to my ears and eyes, that’s not true.
As per the books I’ve read and researched– including Bill’s tome – Stone Alone; when fame, fortune and celebrity ensued, the band’s sessions often dragged on for hours with various hangers on, and sometimes in different countries. In many instances not all of the band members were present, hence another Stone would sub for the missing Stone. And then there were the substances…
Also take into consideration that Mr. Richards strikes me as a rather strong personality, therefore he may have simply wanted to do it all himself. And if Keith came up with a bass line, he probably cut it out of convenience, as Bill occasionally played keys or percussion on tracks with Richards on bass.
Whatever the case, Keith created a few memorable passages. Yet to my ears, they were mostly incomplete. Being the riff master that he is, Keith came up with great bass riffs. But that’s where his playing stayed – on the riff. His tone lacked warmth. His note choices are predictable. He sounds exactly like what he is – a guitar player trying to play bass until the bass player shows up. (Don’t tell him I said this….)
“Live With Me,” “Sympathy for The Devil,” “Street Fighting Man,” all have killer motifs. Though Keith fails to embellish them with any meaning.
Listen to Bill render those songs on the Stones live Get Yer Ya Ya’s Out (1970) – he does a much, much better job. Why? Because he’s Bill fooking Wyman that’s why! A bass player – first and foremost!
Keith Studio “Live With Me” https://youtu.be/R_UArnXmEZc
Bill Live “Live With Me” https://youtu.be/1gj-BYI5i-o
Keith Studio “Sympathy for The Devil” https://youtu.be/f47TZePukuQ
Bill Live “Sympathy for The Devil” https://youtu.be/qmppOF0_DHE
Keith Studio “Street Fighting Man” https://youtu.be/hU8o6usr_oU
Bill Live “Street Fighting Man” https://youtu.be/M8gPQWSXZ4I
To hear the funkiest Rolling Stones bass passage not cut by Bill, check out Mick Taylor on “Fingerprint File” (It’s Only Rock and Roll, 1974). Whereas Bill oft altered Keef’s bass parts on stage, Ronnie replicated Taylor’s passages on the live version of this track which can be found on Love You Live (1977). Wyman, sticking to his less is more credo, opted to side-up to Billy Preston and render a minimalist keyboard pad during the live performances of said composition.
Mick Taylor (studio) “Fingerprint File” https://youtu.be/V_M6lccMzek
Ronnie Wood (live) “Fingerprint File” https://youtu.be/Hcr-wMyFY2s
Note that Willie Weeks’ also cut the title track to It’s Only Rock and Roll which was recorded at Ronnie’s home studio “The Wick” in Richmond, London as he worked on his solo bow. The Glimmer Twins probably left Willie in the final mix out of handiness. Plus, Willie was a hot young player at the time, building his name with Stevie Wonder (“Misstra Know It All”) and Donny Hathaway, among others, so Weeks in the credits afforded the Stones some street cred.
Irony is, Weeks plays it like Wyman, and when Wyman plays it on Love You Live and ensuing concerts until the end of his Stones career, Bill renders more of a Willie Weeks pocket. When I meet Bill Wyman, this is the first question I will ask him!
Studio version of “It’s Only Rock and Roll” with Willie Weeks https://youtu.be/DmgCy__eUa8
Live version of “It’s Only Rock and Roll” with Bill Wyman https://youtu.be/G8X0DelcHoM
Conclusion #1: Bill should have overdubbed Keith’s bass parts. And stay the hell away from Marianne Faithful, she’s trouble!
Knock On Woody: Ron Wood first came to prominence as the bass player in the Jeff Beck Group in 1968-69. Though he was primarily a guitar player, Woody’s wild personality came through on his Fender Tele bass. He never outlined the changes, he hardly sat in the pocket, his tone (mostly) lacked depth – and somehow it all worked! Woody broke all the rules – probably because he didn’t know there were any!
When Bill was unavailable and Keef wasn’t up to it, Ronnie would cut a bass track. Woody, like most guitar playing bassists opted for “box” patterns/motifs and pentatonic scales – which, to my ears, do not bring out the nuances in a chord.
The most prominent of Ronnie’s bass passages was “Emotional Rescue” – which sounds to my ears as more of a lead guitar passage rather than a supportive bass part, though he does anchor the tune in the verses. Woody also cut scattered album tracks on the Stones weaker 1980s sides which were partly recorded in New York City where Ronnie, Mick and Keith lived at the time. Those bass tracks are mostly buried in the mix.
Ronnie Wood “Emotional Rescue” https://youtu.be/U4dSIZ5QS7I
Like most guitar players who “double” on bass, Woody conjures a riff and leaves it there. Unlike the Jeff Beck records, which were given to improvisation in a blues format, Ronnie could not noodle up and down the neck with the Stones. Ronnie’s bass parts for the Stones really didn’t go anywhere harmonically or rhythmically. Neither did the songs.
I’ve Got My Own Bass Tracks to Do: If Ronnie wants to play bass again, get ahold of Jeff Beck! I’m sure they have the same hairdresser on retainer.
Keeping Up with The Joneses: In 1992 Bill Wyman departed the Stones to pursue other interests. After several auditions they chose Darryl Jones at the behest of jazzer Charlie Watts.
Born in Chicago (the artistic birthplace of The Rolling Stones) in 1961, Jones garnered acclaim as one of Miles Davis’ stellar bassists (along with Marcus Miller) during the jazz icon’s much heralded return in the 1980s. Jones also anchored Sting’s first solo ensemble which was massively popular, scoring several hits and videos which were on constant rotation on MTV. When one of the world’s greatest rock bass players asks you to be his bass player – I think you’re qualified for just about any rock gig!
Born on the South Side to a musical family, Jones started out as a drummer at age seven. Switching to bass when he was about nine, Darryl quickly advanced on the instrument in his teens, supporting such local jazz and blues artists as Vincent Wilburn, Matthew Rose, Perry Wilson, Otis Clay, Ken Chaney, and Phil Upchurch. Though they played the same twelve notes as the Stones, these cats were on an entirely different level that the British rock stars. Jones paid his dues with the masters.
On their 1989 -92 comeback tours (their last with Wyman) after years of inactivity, the Stones emerged as “The Rolling Stones Revue.” Darryl Jones was in his early 30s when he nailed the Stones gig in 1993, but by then they were a much different band.
In this “Revue” configuration -which more or less continues to the present day, the Stones sidemen / side-women outnumber the actual band members with three or four backup singers (including Blondie Chaplin who doubles on rhythm guitar), two keyboard players, and oft times, a horn section. Synthesizers and keyboard pads play a prominent role too, replicating string arrangements from their studio albums which adds to the illusion of even more instrumentation. Ronnie’s guitar is way down in overall mix as is Keith’s – sans for the occasional break. Sacrilege!
The Stones 21st Century sound is now slick, Las Vegas like – with virtually no room for spontaneity, though they do stretch out a bit for “Midnight Rambler” and “Can’t You Hear Me Knockin’.
You can’t always get what you want, but sometimes you get what you need. It’s great to have the Stones back and touring frequently, but now it’s only show biz entertainment rather than only rock and roll.
Given the expansive rotating roster of side players and the massive sound of the latter-day Stones, Darryl Jones mostly holds the fort with sturdy Fender Precision / Fender Jazz style instruments.
Occasionally Jones throws in a rhythmic flourish to show you that he can! But Darryl sticks to the pocket – as he should and as is necessary. He’s got a lot of people depending on him to outline the changes. On songs from the Wyman era – which comprise the majority of a Stones live set, Jones will quote the essential motifs, and return to a secure pocket.
The Stones have not recorded much with Jones – on the four studio slabs (one is a blues covers album) that he’s appeared on in nearly thirty years with the band, Jones is relegated to “roots only.” Of course, not being an official band member, Darryl does as Darryl is told! Besides, the older you get, the less notes you need to play anyway.
Whenever a band loses a member, the band changes. The dynamic changes. The power structure changes. Choosing Jones was an excellent move. I don’t think having a Bill Wyman clone would have made sense. Even though they are an established entity, it was time for the Stones to move ahead artistically.
But they didn’t. Sans Bill, the Stones swagger is more of a smooth jazz vibe. Charlie still works his swing chops, but he’s an anomaly amongst all the modern cats on the bandstand who are not Rolling Stones.
Fact is, the two “newest” members of the Stones core ensemble– one official geezer (Ronnie) and one a hired hand (Darryl) are under-used. Cherry pick tracks from any of Ronnie’s solo slabs and you’ve got another classic Stones side or two. Turn Darryl loose as did Miles and Gordon Sumner, and you’ve got a soulful cat who’ll make a lot of those sleepy album tracks percolate!
Dig Darryl’s “Miss You” bass break: https://youtu.be/YI-OzM0dy30
Darryl tears it up on “Stray Cat Blues” a (weak) bass track originally cut by Keith in the studio in ’68 https://youtu.be/PVZH7IdHP2E
Dig Darryl’s intro to “Under My Thumb” at the 51:00 mark https://youtu.be/boeEcc6hirk
Coda: Skipping Stones…
Exile on Madison Avenue?
Commencing with the recording of Exile on Main Street (which stretched from 1970- 1972), Stones bass credits begin to get sketchy. Globe-trotting jet set celebrities, tax exiles, among other titles of dubious renown, the Stones moved to Atlantic records (an American imprint) and were soon to break commercial ground by enlisting corporate sponsorship for their concert tours. The Rolling Stones were no longer a band, they were an industry.
As such, Stones records had to reach the largest audiences possible and rake in maximum revenue. Commerce took precedence over art. Which meant bringing in top session players. Rather than setting trends and experimentation, Mick & Company (and I do mean “Company”) had to keep up with vogue in the studio, on the bandstand, and in the media.
In a Guitar World interview published in January 2020, Bill discusses the well documented mayhem that surrounded the recording of the Stones tenth studio slab Exile On Main Street– a timeless twofer which stands among rocks greatest collections.
Upright bassist Bill Plummer is cited with “Rip This Joint”, “Turd on the Run”, “I Just Want to See His Face”, and “All Down the Line” recorded at Sunset Sound in Los Angeles. Mick Taylor is credited with cutting the bass tracks on “Tumblin’ Dice,” “Torn and Frayed,” “I Just Want to See His Face,” and “Shine A Light.” Keith takes ownership of “Casino Boogie,” “Happy,’ and “Soul Survivor.” Bill charges that Mick often botched the credits when he was finalizing the jacket art, and that Bill is not given credit when credit is due on Exile. Wyman also has major bones to pick about songwriting and band politics in general. He claims the riff on “Jumpin’ Jack Flash,” and professes that many Stones compositions started off as studio jams only to be credited to Jagger / Richards. Such was the life of a Rolling Stone.
Who do I believe? Bill ‘fooking’ Wyman – the bass player that’s who!
Under Cover? Reggae master Robbie Shakespeare (cited in Huffington Post by this writer as a bassist deserving recognition in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in the Musical Excellence category) was everywhere in the early 1980s – cutting albums with Grace Jones, Bob Dylan, Joe Cocker, Sir Mick, Garland Jeffreys, Jackson Browne, Ian Dury, and Carly Simon. Robbie’s name is on the inner sleeve of Undercover (1983), however there is no further explanation.
Undercover does not sound like a Charlie Watts / Bill Wyman album (mostly) other than the track “She’s Was Hot” which was the soundtrack one of the silliest MTV videos off all time. Dig Bill spinning the prop doghouse. And you can clearly hear Wyman’s signature motifs in this mix too.
“She Was Hot” https://youtu.be/VQh8oh0rj3s
To my ears, the rhythm section on Dirty Work (1986) does not sound or feel like Bill and Charlie on many of the tracks as well. The band were living on different continents. They were not getting along personally. Some members were given to unhealthy habits. Overdubs and/or basic tracks were cut at Right Track in New York City. The drums tracks lack Watts’ signature swing. The bass tracks are devoid of Bill’s phrasing. Considering Mick’s yen for modern technology and modern 80s sounds (gated ambience), and Watts / Wyman’s reverence for tradition, I wouldn’t be surprised if their only appearance is on the album jacket photo. Note that studio bassist John Regan is credited on the inner sleeve.
Bassists Me’Shell Ndegeocello, Doug Wimbish, John Sarli, Darryl Jones, and Pierre de Beauport, are among the bass credits of Bridges to Babylon (1997). An MOR mish-mash – there are a few good compositions here but it’s “smooth” sailing all the way. These funky cats are all kept in check – playing roots only passages – what a waste!
Wait, it gets worse… Sir Michael Phillip Jagger cut five bass tracks on A Bigger Bang (2005), a bigger dud of a Stones slab if there ever was one. Mick renders roots only, mercifully down in the mix with no harmonic or rhythmic movement. This, my readers, is the difference between a bass player and someone playing the bass until the bass player shows up. (You can tell him I said that….)
Time Waits For No One: Conclusion #2
Given the global pandemic, its residual effects, and their age, whether the Stones will ever perform or tour again is anyone’s guess. If they do return to the stage, they are not to be missed. Despite the choreography and tendency to churn out the hits with an occasional nugget, the Stones still display flashes of their former glory.
As for the bass chair, their records sans Bill, except for a few scattered tracks are best to be avoided. No disrespect to Darryl or any of the other session cats. As mentioned, I’d have favored The Glimmer Twins allowing their post-Bill bassists flexibility, and a platform to bring their unique talents to the table ala Darryl’s former boss Miles Davis (and his former boss Charlie Parker, whom Charlie Watts idolizes in more ways than just music). Miles leveraged the amazing skills of bassists Paul Chambers, Ron Carter, Darryl Jones, and Marcus Miller to his and his audience’s benefit. And to the benefit of the artform.
The Rolling Stones minus Bill played it safe. Or dare I say “Respectable.”
Among my favorite Wyman passages: “Respectable” https://youtu.be/ptDz5BwAgXQ
By Robert Jenkins
Chip Boaz is the happiest bass player on the planet.
Like many musicians, he grew up listening to the rock & roll of his era, with dreams of hitting the big stage and playing for throngs of fans. And, like many musicians, this did not happen for Chip. In the world of music, only a very small percentage of performers achieve stardom. Some musicians will abandon their dreams and move on to do other things. But there are some musicians who will continue on and play small gigs, weddings, parties, and other gatherings where music is needed but the host can’t quite pay the massive sums of money for the big name acts (unless you’re best friends with Billie Eilish good luck getting her to play your party… can we get a shout out for cover bands?!). There are still some musicians who just realize the joy of music and continue to play for their own enjoyment.
Chip Boaz did not give up when the realities of achieving stardom became clear. And one could easily argue that this is the most important musician of all. The world needs musicians who can educate not only themselves, but others. Because music needs to thrive and she needs her guardians of the realm, as it were.
After high school Chip went on to study music at San Jose State University in California. It was during this time that he began to get exposed to Latin music. An acutely attentive ear allowed Chip to draw a parallel between the intensity of rock & roll and the intensity of the Latin and Afro-Cuban rhythms (..this was not a connection I had made until my conversation with Chip, and now it makes perfect sense; thanks, Chip!). Thus began his love with all things Latin, including the bass lines. Since this time Chip has immersed himself in the history and continuation of Latin music. He eventually even had the opportunity to play with many of his favorite musicians he was discovering at the time.
San Francisco in the 1990’s had a bustling jazz scene. It was during this time that Chip really began to hone his skills as a sideman. At his peak he was working actively in almost twenty-five different bands on the scene. And, as life has its way, Chip started to move away from active gigging to look for a more consistent and stable means of shaping his musical career.
Continuing his education, Chip attended Wesleyan University to earn his Masters degree in Ethnomusicology. Starting a family led to a career in music education and now Chip teaches music at Sir Francis Drake High School where he also leads the jazz big band. And through a busy teaching schedule, Chip still finds time to actively gig, though not quite as much as he used to.
While I didn’t ask who his favorite bassist is, it is clear that Chip has great admiration for Israel ‘Cachao’ Lopez and John Patitucci. Following in their footsteps, after years of being a solid sideman for countless bands and ensembles, Chip wanted to explore being a bandleader as a bassist.
Though Chip has several recordings, he now fronts his own trio and has released a new EP, New Chapter (available on all major streaming services). Chip also maintains a powerful social media presence that is brilliantly crafted and curated to identify him as a solo voice, bandleader, educator, and composer.
Chip is a musician the world needs, now more than ever. As a tireless educator, he influences literally hundreds of students with important music and, perhaps even more importantly, with an infectious happiness that leaves you smiling after watching and hearing him play.
Chip’s Rig Rundown
1996 Yamaha TRB 6 String
1973 Fender Precision
Tobias 5 String Fretless
Shen Double Bass
Aguilar Tone Hammer 500
Aguilar 1×12 Cabinet
Radial Bass Bone Preamp Pedal
Chip’s Music
Chip’s Social Media
Instagram: Chip Boaz Music (@chipboaz)
Twitter: @chipboaz
Facebook: Chip Boaz Music
By Robert Jenkins
Laura Sterner is an accidental bassist. As a young girl she developed a deep love of singing and would work with her sister to create harmonies in the songs they would sing. And, like many budding young musicians, this set her trajectory to be a lifelong musician, for better or worse.
At the young age of nineteen Laura began to play bass. And, like many bass players, she began out of necessity, because who really wants to play bass, anyway? So she got her hands on a Gibson EB-0 bass and…absolutely hated it (the pickups in the old Gibson basses are famously referred to as ‘mudbuckers’ because of their intense low frequency and lack of definition; it can be difficult to draw a pleasing or cooperative tone from them).
Nevertheless, she persisted. Laura continued to play in bands as a teenager and young adult. Being around the 1970’s and 1980’s Washington, DC club scene allowed her to develop a reputation as a reliable sideman(woman), and having the ability to sing and play at the same time helped her land enough gigs to stay busy in cover bands and original groups, too.
All that singing she did as a child also gave Laura a well-developed ear that allows her to easily adapt to many different styles of music. This paid off when she started to book sessions as a background vocalist, eventually landing a spot on Gayle Adams’s hit single “Love Fever” (landing at #24 on the Billboard Black Singles Chart and #7 on the Billboard Dance Chart). In turn, gigs like this allowed Laura to showcase her vocal abilities so that she could diversify her skills and work with a variety of groups in both live and studio settings, on both bass and vocal sessions.
After a couple of decades working in the business and seeing enough of the frantic sides of gigging and touring, Laura decided to call it quits around 1990. She left the Washington, DC area and moved to Philadelphia. But like any musician who has grown up singing, playing, and working in the scene, Laura became bored and chose to begin writing her own music. Any musician also knows that once you have the bug it is really hard to stop. Having such a diverse background in singing and playing, Laura was able to land a gig as a lead vocalist with a progressive fusion rock band called Finneus Gauge. Working with such a different sound really opened a lot of doors for Laura, not only in her singing and playing, but also her own songwriting.
The gig with Finneus Gauge was sweet but short. Cue another break in playing and singing. Laura made the trek west to California and landed a steady job at UC Davis as a research assistant and grant writer; about as far removed from music as one can get. But in her desire to compose, be it out of sheer boredom or a subconscious need to keep herself immersed in music somehow, Laura kept at writing songs and just playing around on her bass, but nothing nearly as serious as she had been doing in the past.
When 2014 rolled around Laura decided to start writing again, putting a focus on that skill with a toolkit of abilities she had gained through years of playing, singing, and writing with so many varied groups and through learning countless covers. She also decided to start getting out and playing bass again. The adage rings true in Laura’s case, that if you can play bass you always have a gig.
Laura has now been gigging steadily in the Sacramento, CA area (until COVID, at least) with no signs of slowing down. She plays with Empty Wagon and Almost Blue. She continues to write songs and put a lot of emphasis on that aspect of her skillset. Indeed, Laura really wants to be considered a songwriter. Playing bass was purely an accident. Oh, and she learns and plays everything, vocal and bass, by ear. Laura has a damn good ear.
In her own words: “bass, for me, has been a utilitarian thing. I started playing because it was needed and I kept playing because people wanted me to do it. But the creative aspect is pretty key for me. Bass is my main performance instrument and it always will be. I just love how it feels, I love the role it plays, I love the power it has. It gets me in the door to perform with an authority I don’t have as a singer and I love that. I love to perform and I love to write.”
Who is Laura’s favorite bassist? Chuck Rainey gets those honors for his chops, sensibility, and creativity. Tony Levin gets an honorable mention. (Not a bad pair of influences.)
Laura’s Rig Rundown:
Fender American Elite Jazz Bass
(Laura also is really getting into Sire Marcus Miller Signature basses.)
Mesa Boogie D800 Amp
Revsound RS210T Cabinet
(She also runs a High Pass Filter.)
Vocal Sessions:
Backing vocals with Gayle Adams
Lead Vocals with Finneus Gauge
Laura Sterner Solo :
“I Don’t Want To Go”
“I Just Want Some Good News”
Laura Sterner with Empty Wagon :
“Your People” https://soundcloud.com/laura-sterner-529078007/your-people
“Danger” https://soundcloud.com/laura-sterner-529078007/danger
UK based professional gigging and recording musician, Lou is currently bassist and vocalist in her psychedelic outfit Loudhailer Electric Company. Making waves with three album releases Lou has had a continually active live schedule since she first made the charts as bassist in prophetic Indie band from the north of England, Red Guitars where she was known for her fretless Music Man Stingray.
Back in the early 80’s Red Guitars first single Good Technology was championed by the late, great John Peel. It made number 1 in the Indie chart and number 11 in his Festive Fifty. Two albums, a handful of Peel sessions and top ten Indie hits later the band had toured with The Smiths and appeared on numerous UK and European TV shows. They were fiercely independent and played hundreds of gigs but eventually signed to Virgin Records.
After that Lou made NME and Sounds’ records of the week with The Planet Wilson. Described by Sounds’ David Cavanagh as ‘pycho aphrodelic’: “Crazy-James-Chance-meets-Holger-Czukay…Lou’s bass playing is unbelievable – not just the tunes she invents, but the actual sound of her fingers hitting the strings, Mike Watt of Firehose is probably the only person who could match this.” (Taken For A Ride by The Planet Wilson). Although they were highly acclaimed in the music press and released two albums they didn’t break through into the mainstream, but Lou continued to play as a session musician and in bands since then.
Currently as well as playing in her own Loudhailer Electric Company Lou can still be seen playing her recognizable style of dub n slide bass on her vintage Stingray with medieval-with-attitude fusion collective festival band Celtarabia.
Lou explains: “The fretless Stingray is a brilliant bass. I bought it from a little shop in Camden Town in 1982. I saw it and although I’d never played a fretless until then I thought wow that’s the bass for me. It was about £200… after I bought it the guy in the shop said ‘You just bought Boz Burrell’s bass’ – so I didn’t know until I’d paid for it. I was a fan of Bad Company so I was happy with that! I’ve played it ever since. I read somewhere that Boz didn’t get on with it which is why he sold it. But I love it. It’s got an early serial number and plays and sounds amazing. Basses have come and gone, but that’s been my work horse throughout. I needed a fretted bass to go with it so later on I had a WAL made by UK luthier Ian Waller and then bought a new Music Man Cutlass with a carbon graphite neck. I played that until about 3 years ago when I replaced it with a Music Man Caprice. Up until then I’d always played a black bass, but I went for a change, it’s ivory white with a pearl pickguard. It’s just been featured in a surreal painting by artist G E Saunt for our latest Loudhailer Electric Company project Dreamscape. We’re playing a live partially improvised soundtrack to accompany a film of G E Saunt’s digital paintings.”
Lou Duffy-Howard Sound & Vision by….Lou!
Website: https://loudhailer.net/
Spotify playlist of the bands/songs mentioned https://open.spotify.com/playlist/3wzefSP4HpNyMJCa70qA7B?si=IXP4hxnwTtuyTMTBb5FDHA
Dreamscape trailer featuring Caprice bass painting. The launch is a live stream on August 21st. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XZ4e_SLJzCA
There’s plenty of Red Guitars videos on Youtube but this has just turned up, a HD version of the Stingray on BBC TV Old Grey Whistle Test from January 1984. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yo2KLdHQQfI
Loudhailer Electric Company Live Show Reel 2022 Loudhailer Electric Company, four piece original psychedelic band featuring members of prophetic cult bands Red Guitars, Dead Fingers Talk and The Planet Wilson. Expect original psychedelic sounds and songs telling stories of road trips, myths & legends and sci fi. https://loudhailer.net/ Recorded live at O’Riley’s Space Port Hull by Admiral Darren Bunting. Mixed by Lou Loudhailer, all live audio, no overdubs. Video by JWA Creations Show Reel Clips: Out to Sea 00:00 The Messenger 01:26 My Ancestors 03:00 Underneath the Underground 04:38
By Joe Gagliardo
Jack Daley grew up in Troy, New York, an area renowned for its diverse musical community. His uncle was a drummer. Jack’s brother was a guitarist and avid record collector who brought home influential albums by the Allman Brothers, Johnny Winter and Edgar Winter’s White Trash.
Initially, Jack thought he would be a drummer. However, he became bored with the practice pad, snare and cymbals he had. That jaded stance quickly evaporated when he was leaning against the home stereo with its 15-inch speaker blasting Chicago’s “25 or 6 to 4.” Young Jack was blown away by Peter Cetera’s bass lines, which inspired him to pick up the instrument.
Jack started out with a few lessons and learning from records and playing live. By his late teens he was studying with accomplished teachers and woodshedding twelve hours a day. From his teens to his late 20’s Jack played, composed, and recorded in multiple bands. He moved to New York City at the age of twenty-nine and within a year was playing in thirteen different bands.
A chance conversation with a bandmate led to a nearly fifteen-year run with Lenny Kravitz on world tours, multiple TV appearances, videos, albums, and DVDs.
Jack casually mention to that friend -on a Thursday- that he would be interested in playing with Lenny if he ever needed a bass player. The following Tuesday, Jack received a call saying that he had an audition in New York City with Lenny’s engineer Henry Hirsch. It was a cattle call, with about twenty players. Jack and one other bassist were flown to Los Angeles for another audition. Unbeknownst to Jack, the bass opening was advertised on the radio, and 250 bassists auditioned for the gig in LA—Jack nailed the gig!
Post-Lenny Kravitz, Jack stayed busy with session work, playing live, and producing other artists. He toured with Boz Scagg; recorded with David Bowie’s rhythm section; recorded and toured with Gedeon Luke and the People, coproduced and mixed that band’s LP, and appeared on the TV show Later… With Jools Holland with that band; toured with Dana Fuchs; toured Spain with Manola Garcia; and toured Germany with Marius Westernhagen. When Jack got back to the US, he toured with Darlene Love, whose record had been produced by Steven Van Zandt, and that led to him playing with Little Steven.
For the past 4 years, Jack has recorded and toured with Little Steven And The Disciples Of Soul, and he appears on the Soulfire and Summer of Sorcery releases, as well as the live CDs and DVDs. The band is a tour de force, consisting of multiple guitars and keyboards, along with three female background singers and a five-piece horn section. Jack has his work cut out for him in sonically providing a bottom and groove for the music, while being mindful of the music created by the rest of the band. Jack’s goal is to create bass lines that help make the song and the other players stand out and sound great.
With an extensive background as a first call session musician and having contributed to dozens of gold and platinum albums with many of the top artists and record producers, Jack has learned from the best of the best. It is a natural progression for him to work in production with his own studio.
Jack has produced artists from all over the world working with multiple styles of music: soul and rhythm and blues (Leona Berlin, Gedeon Luke, The Dumonts, Aurea, Paulo Gonzo); Rock (Super 400, Billy Lewis Jr., Db Sugar); Boy Band Pop (The Kix); Rap (Ironic); Euro Pop (The Bang Bang Club); and Singer-songwriters (Emily Grove).
For information about Jack’s production studio, and the extensive list of artists he has worked with as a musician or producer, go to https://www.jackdaleybassist.com
Jack’s basses: his first bass was a St. George copy of the Beatle bass, paired with a Fender Bantam bass amp. Next up was a Fender Mustang bass with the racing stripe, modified with a humbucker pickup, played through a bass cabinet Jack made with his Dad. He has accumulated several basses over the years, including a 1966 black Fender Jazz bass with matching headstock (flatwounds); a 1965 candy apple red Fender Precision bass (roundwounds); a 1997 black Fender Custom Shop P/J bass with matching headstock (rounds) that has custom artwork by Jona Cerwinske; a Music Man BFR Old Smoothie; a black fretless Music Man; a 1971 Rickenbacker 4001 sunburst (flats and rounds); a 1968 Hagstrom 8 string; a Hofner Club Bass with a custom black finish; and a Guild B50 acoustic bass. While Jack has often used a Fender Precision bass to record, he usually prefers his 1966 Fender Jazz bass or Music Man Old Smoothie for live shows.
His main bass rigs on the road have been the Ashdown ABM 900 810 stack, or the Ampeg SVT VR 810 stack.
A few highlights from many in Jack’s career, include:
Playing Radio City Music Hall with Lenny Kravitz about a week after he joined the band, with Robert Plant stage left, Joey Ramone, and other musicians Jack respects in the audience.
Playing H.O.R.D.E. Festivals with Lenny Kravitz, where the band did the whole tour on motorcycles, including riding them up to the stage.
Little Steven And The Disciples Of Souls’ last show of the “Summer of Sorcery” tour in October, 2019, before a sold-out crowd at The Beacon Theatre in New York City. I happened to catch that show, and words cannot describe the energy, power and ferocity of the band and music.
Jack Daley Sound & Vision….
Beyonce-“End of Time”
Jack worked this bass part out with Beyonce on a 5 string bass, and Beyonce said it was influenced by Fela Kuti.
Joss Stone-“Super Duper Love”
This track has Jack capturing the vibe and doing some old school soul bass playing.
Sara Bareilles – “She Used To Be Mine”
Here Jack plays a simple, but effective, bass line that fits Sara’s vocal and the beautiful song.
Jason Mraz-“Wordplay”
Jack’s lines stand out and help move the melody, while supporting Jason’s vocals.
Alana Davis-“32 Flavors”
On this song, the tape started rolling, and Jack started playing. This was recorded in a spontaneous first-take.
Gedeon Luke and The People – Standing On Top Of The World
Great soulful funk band and bass playing.
Little Steven And The Disciples Of Soul-“Summer of Sorcery”
This song is reminiscent of the E Street Band and Van Morrison. Interestingly, Little Steven muted the drums during one of the verses, and Jack’s bass continues carrying the song, and provides the platform for the drums coming back into the song.
By Joe Gagliardo
They were roots, Americana, and garage before there were names for it! Stuart Alden Cook anchored the sound of a generation as the founding bass player of one of the classic rock era’s most timeless and culturally relevant ensembles: Creedence Clearwater Revival.
A headliner at Woodstock (they did not appear in the film due to a contract dispute) and inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall in 1993 by Bruce Springsteen in a class that included Sly & The Family Stone, The Doors, and Cream – Stu’s musical life started with his parents.
Stu’s father was a professional trumpet player, and his mother played the keyboards professionally; hence there was always music in the house, and instruments to play. It is not surprising that Stu played trumpet, piano and guitar before picking up the bass guitar. Akin to the youth of his generation, Stu as absorbing the sounds of Chuck Berry, Jerry Lee Lewis, Fats Domino and Ray Charles as heard on a device known as AM radio.
He also watched Ozzie and Harriet on TV, and James Burton, who was Ricky Nelson’s guitar player – grabbed his attention. Stu had a life-changing experience when his parents bought tickets for Stu and his brother to see Ray Charles in concert. After seeing Ray, he knew he wanted to play music, and learned to play Ray Charles’s songs on the piano.
Stu and Doug Clifford met in Homeroom in the seventh grade when they were 13, and have been friends since 1957. In 1958 Doug heard John Fogerty playing piano in the school’s music room, and asked John if he wanted to start a band. John said yes, but that he was a guitar player. Doug said I have a friend that plays piano, and we can probably practice at his house. Stu joined, playing piano with Doug and John Fogerty, and The Blue Velvets were formed in El Cerrito, California, across the bay from San Francisco.
The Blue Velvets played the instrumentals of the day by groups such as The Ventures and Johnny and the Hurricanes, along with standards, including “Blue Moon.” The band gigged at school assemblies, Boys Club events, County Fairs, parties, and wherever they could find a stage to perform on. By the time they were in high school they were playing assemblies in front of 300-400 kids, and their high school arranged for them to perform in events at other high schools.
The Blue Velvets got their first taste of studio recording when Tom Fogerty, John’s older brother, asked the band to back him on some recordings he was going to use to get a record deal. From that point on the band performed as Tom Fogerty and The Blue Velvets, with Tom as lead vocalist and also as the original instrumental trio, under the name The Blue Velvets.
In the mid-‘60s a television documentary aired on the local NPR station in San Francisco titled Anatomy of a Hit. Ralph J. Gleason, the music critic and a founding editor of Rolling Stone, was a producer of that documentary. After viewing the film, they decided to take a demo tape to Fantasy Records, a local record label. While Fantasy had primarily recorded jazz artists, the label was trying to branch out into other genres of music.
The label liked the tape, signed the band, and pressed vinyl. However when the band first saw the records, they were surprised to find that their new name was The Golliwogs, a moniker the label thought had an English ring to it as the British Invasion groups were still being heavily played on radio.
There were two more changes, in addition to the name of the band—John Fogerty became the lead vocalist of The Golliwogs, and with Tom Fogerty on guitar, Stu switched from piano and guitar to the bass.
Around Christmas 1967 the band became Creedence Clearwater Revival, blending rock, blues, and country into a unique “swamp rock” sound. By June of 1968, the band had released its first LP, Creedence Clearwater Revival and the single “Suzie Q” was on the charts. The band had an incredible three and a half year run wherein they released multiple double-sided hits, and released three LPs in 1969: Bayou Country, Green River and Willie and the Poor Boys; two LPs in 1970: Cosmo’s Factory and Pendulum; and Mardi Gras, the band’s final release in 1972.
During this period the band also recorded two live collections, earned multiple multi-platinum records, dominated the AM and FM airwaves, and played virtually every major festival in 1969, and became America’s number one band.
While there were several memorable gigs, Stu’s favorite was playing the historic Royal Albert Hall in London where many of his musical heroes had played, and a number of them, including Paul McCartney and Eric Clapton, were in the audience.
A large part of the band’s magic was certainly the singing and songwriting of John Fogerty, but also the ensemble playing of the Fogerty brothers on guitars, and the locked and loaded rhythm section of Stu and Doug Clifford. Stu and Doug created a bottom much like a chugging locomotive train. According to Stu, less is more – the space between notes are as important as the notes. He views himself as an ensemble player with a good ear, developed by understanding theory from his days of playing piano, but also by learning music by repeatedly dropping the needle on a record to learn a song.
In between CCR and Creedence Revisited, Stu remained busy as a bassist and producer. In the mid-70s, Stu and Doug Clifford formed the Don Harrison Band, and released two LPs, The Don Harrison Band and Red Hot. Stu and Doug also owned and operated a mobile recording studio, “Factory Productions.” Stu was also the bass player in Southern Pacific, a country rock band that included John McFee and Keith Knudsen of the Doobie Brothers, and he appeared on three of four of that band’s LPs. He also worked with Doug Sahm, and produced two albums for the legendary Roky Erickson of the 13th Floor Elevators, among others.
In 1993 Stu auditioned for the Rolling Stones to replace Bill Wyman. While the Stones opportunity did not materialize what did transpire was that Stu, and Creedence drummer, Doug “Cosmo” Clifford, formed the hugely successful Creedence Clearwater Revisited music project (“Creedence Revisited”), and went on to play 1,755 shows around the world over a 25-year period from 1995 to March 2020 when the band retired. Creedence Revisited also released the platinum CD “Recollection” in 1997.
When Creedence Revisited was formed no one was playing CCR music as John Fogerty had refused to play CCR songs until 1997 due to a dispute with the band’s former record label.
Stu recorded the first CCR LP with a rented Fender Precision bass. The first bass he owned was a used ’65 Fireglow 4001 Rickenbacker bass with black and white piano binding. That bass was used to record the Bayou Country LP. All the other CCR albums were recorded with a modified Fender Precision Bass.
Duck Dunn was a major influence on Stu, and they became close friends by way of tours where CCR and Booker T & The MGs shared the bill. Stu was also influenced by the percussive playing of Jack Casady “Jack’s notes had strong definition.” The playing Carol Kaye and Joe Osborne as part of the Wrecking Crew as heard on scores of hit records also resonated with him.
Stu has been a finger-style player for most of his career, but a 2007 injury forced him to start playing with a pick. Although he had played guitar, it was an adjustment playing his bass lines with a pick; it took some time to create the “feel” of the original parts. He has tried multiple picks and feels that the gauge and material of the pick have a significant impact on the sound of his playing. These days he prefers a Dunlop 1.14 Gator Grip picks.
While Stu preferred the four string Fender Precision Basses with CCR, he has been playing five-string basses since 1988. Today his basses of choice are passive Mike Lull 5-strings. In 2019, Mike Lull created a Stu Cook SC5 Signature Model. It’s a 35” scale on a smaller Jazz style body with T Bird pickups and a Tele style pickguard. It has a big sound, is well-balanced, and weighs less than nine pounds.
Mike Lull Guitars: https://www.mikelull.com/stu-cook-sc5-signature-model
Stu prefers KLIQ Air-Cell guitar straps which give him a comfortable balance, and the straps are slip-resistant. He uses MJC Ironworks Nickle Plated Steel .45 – .125. When he first started playing 35” scale basses he had a problem finding strings that didn’t have the silk from the string over the fretboard. Stu feels these MJC strings give him a smooth, round and full-bodied sound. “They have great tone, perfect tension, and last a long time.”
Back in the 60’s Stu’s primary rig was a Fender Showman Head, with a 2×15 Fender Showman Cabinet. That rig was used until Stu acquired a Sunn 200S 2×15 cabinet. Later the amps were Kustom K400 heads and Sunn 2000S cabinets. Stu currently uses an Aguilar Tone Hammer 500 and 2 GS 4×10 Aguilar cabinets.
For pedals, Stu uses a Peterson Classic Strobe tuner, a Wren & Cuff Pickle Pie B Distortion Pedal, an MXR Bass Envelope Filter, and an MXR Bass Chorus/Flanger. Stu’s secret weapon is an Origin Effects Cali 76 Compact Bass compressor that gives him the low-down punch that he loves. While he regularly uses a Sennheiser Wireless System, he also uses Planet Waves Cables.
Among Stu’s favorite CCR bass lines include…
“Down on the Corner” https://youtu.be/clJb4zx0o1o
“Someday Never Comes” https://youtu.be/Igbd3EEOHIs
“Born on the Bayou” https://youtu.be/l2zc4rSlBQ4
“Have You Ever Seen the Rain” https://youtu.be/bO28lB1uwp4
“I Put a Spell on You” https://youtu.be/9hvA0wWTIv4
“Grapevine” https://youtu.be/NXJQOWsp6f4
“Up Around the Bend” https://youtu.be/DX3o1O8ZsTw
“Effigy” https://youtu.be/LGEENWVlu0c
“Ramble Tamble” https://youtu.be/MmjNIJ4YIFI
Said the late, great Craig MacGregor “I guess I started playing music when I was about 7 or 8 years old. I began with piano, tried trumpet and then moved on to drums. I stuck with that for about three years, but I wanted to be out front, so I took up the bass. It was the best of both worlds. I played in some local Connecticut bands that did pretty well. One in particular, Swan, turned out some great players. Like Bobbi Torrello and Joe Kelly who went on to play with Johnny Winter and Ike and Tina Turner. We toured the country and had a great time. Then in ’75 I joined up with Foghat and I’ve been rockin on and off with them since then. Playing in a great rhythm section just can’t be beat, because you gotta capture the groove, or nothing else counts. Over the course of the last 30 years, I have achieved a wide range of styles and capabilities. I’ve been fortunate enough to work fairly extensively with some of the world’s best players covering a range of styles including blues, rock, country and R&B.” Courtesy of Foghat Com
An exemplary groove / melodic player with a rhythm & blues disposition who plied his craft on a trad Fender Jazz, working the pocket for one of rock’s classic workhorse ensembles – Craig waxed six slabs with Foghat, then split, then came back, then split again, then rejoined until his passing in 2018.
Craig MacGregor Sound & Vision…
“Night Shift” https://youtu.be/LPTTvtdWogo
“Home in My Hand” Live https://youtu.be/g-wV5VS6kVk
“Stone Blue” https://youtu.be/LmCrxc-mATY
“Sweet Home Chicago” https://youtu.be/YQhl8j_vkBo
“Third Time Lucky” https://youtu.be/ISKPxMB7rHQ
“Slow Ride” Live https://youtu.be/9197uAIj7_E
Though he never achieved the commercial success of his contemporaries Jimi Hendrix, Duane Allman, Eric Clapton, and Jimmy Page – the late Irish blues master Rory Gallagher was among the most lyrical and influential guitarists of his era.
The bassist for Rory’s entire recorded solo canon was John Gerrard “Gerry” McAvoy. Unlike traditional blues rock players, McAvoy rendered contrapuntal melodies, chords, and counter rhythms which afforded Gallagher an expansive platform for his improvisational forays on stage and in the studio.
McAvoy continues on the bandstand with Band of Friends which celebrates the artistry of the legendary Rory Gallagher. All McAvoy’s work with Gallagher is worthy of exploration, especially Irish Tour ’74 (1974) and Photo-Finish (1978). Note that Rory’s Calling Card (1976) release was produced by Deep Purple bassist Roger Glover.
For the latest Gerry McAvoy news and gigs – be sure to visit http://www.bandoffriends.eu/
Be advised to seek out Gerry’s autobiographical tome Riding Shotgun: 35 Years On the Road with Rory Gallagher and Nine Below Zero
Gerry McAvoy Sound & Vision…
“Shadow Play” live in ‘79 https://youtu.be/go9J9REtfdA
“Cradle Rock” https://youtu.be/WGMnSFAVVDE
“Calling Card” https://youtu.be/EU1q5Kf9bFo
“Fuel to the Fire” https://youtu.be/qXr9BollQXw
Alan Lefton is “The Constant Gardener!”
A devotee of Jack Bruce, for whom he composed liner notes on a live release by the iconic bassist, Alan Lefton has been on the bandstand most of his life, and continues to evolve one gig at a time!
Alan on Know Your Bass Player on Film Season Deux, New York City, Euphoria Studios, 2018