Inspired by Jack Bruce, Jack Casady, and Felix Pappalardi, the late Douglas Allen Woody anchored the reborn and re-energized Allman Brothers Band wherein he met guitarist Warren Hayes and consequently formed Gov’t Mule – a fiery ensemble which expanded on the ABB’s jam-band aesthetic.
As cited by this writer in Huffington Post – Woody warrants entry into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame for his work in the Allman Brothers – as does his peer bassists in that ensemble: Lamar Williams, David Goldflies, Oteil Burbridge.
Tom Semioli / Huffington Post “A Bass Player’s Rant: 33 Who Belong in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame” :
An educator, collector (he owned hundreds of basses and as I recall in one interview, hauled a truck-load of gear to his Allmans audition), Woody was a master improviser and groove player who employed a wide array of tones and techniques on the trad four, fretless, and extended range.