KNOW YOUR BASS PLAYER ON FILM: A Philadelphia Story – Gary Van Scyoc

KNOW YOUR BASS PLAYER Season Deux: In this KYBP Short Take entitled “A Philadelphia Story” Elephant’s Memory Band bassist Gary Van Scyoc takes us behind the scenes of the Mike Douglas Show in February 1972 when John Lennon and Chuck Berry performed together on the iconic daytime talk program. Anchoring one of the great moments in rock history, Gary reveals what exactly transpired as the then controversial ex-Beatle met his testy rock and roll idol during a tumultuous period of Lennon’s solo career. Van Scyoc and Elephant’s Memory kept their cool – as all veteran studio cats do – and saved Dr. Winston O’Boogie from what surely would have been an embarrassing moment on national television. All in a day’s work! Tom Semioli: Interviewer / Writer. Mark Preston: Director / Producer. Derek Hanlon: Cinematographer. Mark Polott: Editor / Photographer.