Iwan Gronow (Johnny Marr)

Photo courtesy of Johnnh - Marr Com Photo courtesy of Johnnh - Marr Com

Photo courtesy of Johnnh – Marr Com

In the early 00’s when Johnny Marr produced Haven’s magnificent pair of dream pop platters Between the Senses – (perhaps a nod to the Stones’ Between the Buttons) and the follow-up All For A Reason, Moz’s former mate was certainly enamored with the melodic pocket plectrum purveyance of bassist Iwan Gronow – whom he drafted into his touring and recording ensemble.

Dig Haven “Beautiful Thing” https://youtu.be/9ml2krXbv4o

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Anchoring Mr. Marr’s muscular post-Smiths bands, Iwan serves the mercurial Mancunian guitar hero quite effectively by way of gritty, pedal pushing Fender P tones and supportive passages with an occasional harmonic foray into the upper register.

Dig Iwan on Johnny’s “Easy Money” https://youtu.be/9_P5iSG_APE

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