Courtesy of Reprise Records
Said Tony Visconti to this writer “Steve was one of the best bassists I’ve ever worked with…”
Though he is indeed a rock deity, the former Marc Feld also stood on the shoulders of producer Tony Visconti (a fine bass player), and his rhythm section comprised of drummer Bill Legend and the late bassist Steve Currie for his most enduring work under the T. Rex banner.
Currie, who possessed a plucky penchant for plying soulful passages, forged many a memorable groove on the album cuts as evidenced on “Mystic Lady,” “Till Dawn,” and “Ride My Wheels” to cite three.
Currie’s main weapon of choice was a maple neck Fender Precision.
Steve Currie Sound & Vision…
“Mystic Lady”
“Till Dawn”
“Ride My Wheels”