Dee Dee Ramone (The Ramones)

Courtesy of The Ramones Com Courtesy of The Ramones Com

Courtesy of The Ramones Com

“I’d like to congratulate myself and thank myself and give myself a big pat on the back.”

Greatest Rock and Roll Hall of Fame ceremony acceptance speech ever – by way of Douglas Glenn Colvin aka Dee Dee Ramone in 2002!

Though Dee Dee essentially rendered indistinguishable bass passages sans any significant semblance of harmonic or rhythmic variation throughout his entire career as a founding member and primary songwriter of The Ramones – he played exactly what was needed – serving the almighty song!

His execution and attitude anchored one of the greatest forces in the history of popular music, which continues to inspire generations long after his passing, and the passing of his band mates.

As I recall, the rock and the jazz police respectively were appalled by The Ramones nihilistic approach and feral aesthetic, which made them even more appealing.

Dee Dee’s technique necessitated his fashionably knee-level low hanging bass and right hand position as his the rapid fire 16th / 32nd notes necessitated the flexibly of his wrist rather than his rigid forearm – fact is, you can’t play that fast and that steady any other way! And he utilized only one weapon of choice – the mighty Fender Precision.

In the most hallowed tradition of their forefathers Berry, Penniman, Lewis, and Presley – Dee Dee and The Ramones’ body of work exudes the very essence of the art form that is rock ‘n’ roll: their eternally youthful vibrancy; their unabashed reverence for the past while pushing forward; their stark individuality; their instantly recognizable collective sound; their uncanny ability to threaten the status quo; and their enduring and expansive effects on pop culture represent just a few of the reasons why these revolutionary outcasts from Queens County Long Island New York will be relevant, and always sound fresh.

The Ramones in all their 1978 glory:

Courtesy of The Ramones Com Courtesy of The Ramones Com

Courtesy of The Ramones Com